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Mysterious Shambhala Found in Russia

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 10:17 AM PDT

Mysterious Shambhala Found in RussiaRepublic of Karelia that is celebrating 90th anniversary as an administrative unit is famous not only with its ancient legends but also with interesting archeological findings discovered in this northern area.

In the early 1900s, Europe was discussing ancient petroglyphs writings found by famous Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov on the rocks of Karelia.

As many representatives of Russian intelligentsia, Gumilyov was interested in history and geography and enjoyed traveling. In 1904 he explored Kuzovsky archipelago on the White Sea.

He heard about Stone Book that allegedly contained information about ancient times and clues to the location of the mysterious Mu country where the ancestors of the Northern and, probably, Slavic tribes came from.

The first mentioning of Mu goes back to the 4th century BC. The texts said it was located to the West of Egyptian Kingdom and could be reached by water. The place was sad to have a sanctuary of Ra, god of the sun. Captions to pictures mentioned a huge lake where a sea path led.

There is information that Alexander of Macedon went to the land of Mu to obtain some sacred knowledge. He was headed to Pamir where Scythian tribes lived.

According to contemporary research, the Scythians were the ancestors of the ancient Aryans populating the larger part of Slavic lands at some point in time. According to one theory, the Aryans came from Africa and populated the North, another one says they originated from Siberia but had to move South because of adverse climate.

The Aryans represented a highly developed civilization. Some believe that they have built the famous Egyptian pyramids. Meanwhile pyramid-like structures can be found in middle Russia, in the Crimea, Siberia and the Urals. Researchers claim they are significantly older than Egyptian pyramids.

Nikolai Roerich also thought that mysterious land of Mu was located in the North of Russia. He once thought that the huge lake described in writings was Ladoga. The Aryans could get there by ships across the Mediterranean Sea.

The source discovered by Roerich talked about Phoebus, the Aryans leader. Phoebus (Sun in Greek) was considered a god. According to a legend he was the arch-father of all Aryans and had a gift of eternal life.

Phoebus and his supporters were looking for the entrance to Shambhala, an underground dwelling of gods where the Stone Book is kept, a compilation of spiritual wisdom of ancient people. The Aryans under Phoebuss guidance made gigantic writings on the wall continuing the texts of the Stone Book.

Some petroglyphic drawings show animals, birds, fish and hunters. Others show figures that scientists think may represent celestial bodies. There are some images of strange creatures. Researchers believe many petroglyphs represent sacred symbols linked to ancient cultures. They are yet to interpret them.

Nikolai Roerich thought that the land of Mu was the sacred land of Shambhala where the Aryan god was headed and which he had searched for his entire life. The explorer had no luck looking for the entrance to Shambhala on Karelias Valaam Island.

Alexei Popov, a historian and co-chair of Karelia regional non-profit Rasea told about other curious archeological discoveries made in the Northern territory.

Karelia is famous with its seitas. This word means divinity and, according to geographers and ethnologists it represents cult rocks, artificial stone pyramids, and ritual handmade stone structures. Karelian Lapps believed that the souls of the dead were reincarnated in rocks. The rocks could also serve as indicators or separators.

During an expedition we discovered a huge bolder 30 miles from the city of Kem placed on a stone podium. There was a crack between the bolder and the support, and the wind blowing through the crack made song-like sounds.

The tonality of the sound changed depending on the strength of the wind and position of the bolder on the podium. This singing rock might have served as a pagan sanctuary of the ancient Lapps.

The True Extent of Ice Loss in the Arctic

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 11:57 AM PDT

The True Extent of Ice Loss in the Arctic
It’s no longer a secret to anyone that the extent of the multi-year ice sheets in the Arctic is rapidly declining. At this point, there are several predictions as to when the North Pole will become completely clear of ice during the summer months, but none of them is too encouraging. Unlike Antarctica, which is based on ground, the Arctic is made up entirely of floating ice, and one of the main reasons why it’s melting other than global climate change is the fact that the ocean underneath is warming. But researchers say the true extent of ice loss is still unknown, AlphaGalileo reports.

Over the past couple of years, the estimates of when the ice covering the North Pole will disappear have been reducing constantly. Dr. David Barbers explained why in new conference, which took place yesterday, June 11. The expert was the leader of one of the most important research initiatives carried out under the International Polar Year (IPY) flag The Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study. The team that conducted the investigation featured more than 370 members from 27 countries. The status of multi-year ice was the main goal of the study.

Scientists spend a lot of energy discussing the squiggly line generated for satellite data on sea ice extent. But the extent does not reflect the real condition of the sea ice. I think we are all looking forward to getting reliable data on the thickness from Cryosat. Because what really counts is the condition and thickness of the multi-year ice. Even though the extent of the ice went up, both winter maximum and summer minimum, in 2008 and 2009, the amount of multi-year ice continued to decline rapidly, he explained. The expert added that the North Pole lost over 2.5 million square kilometers of ice over the past three decades, which is the equivalent of 70,000 square kilometers per year.

Last summer we studied sea ice recovery in the Southern Beaufort Sea aboard the research vessel Amundsen. We expected to be stopped by thick multi-year ice, but the Amundsen, ice classed to make it through 1,2 meters of ice, was not stopped. We realized that the ice was rotten. We also observed that thaw pools were formed on top of the ice, gradually melting through the multi-year ice. This process left the multi-year ice as floating lumps. When the freeze started, what looked like solid ice, was really the lumps with a 5 [centimeters] thin ice layer on top. This ice was mistaken by the radar for multi-year ice, the scientist revealed at the meeting. via news softpedia

TOP 5 Cameraphone

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:21 AM PDT

1. LG Renoir Tahun ini LG memang sedang sibuk mengeluarkan produk hape multimedia, tapi bukan berarti vendor asal Korea Selatan ini menelantarkan seri hape kameranya. LG ReNOIR memiliki kamera beresolusi 8 megapixel dengan sajian fasilitas seperti Optic Schenider-Kreuznach, Auto focus, Xenon flash, touch focus dan smile detection. Kualitasnya pun oke.selain jago menangkap gambar diam, Renoir juga mampu merekam video dengan output resolusi VGA dengan 30 fps dan QVGA dengan 120 fps. 2. Nokia N86 8MP Nokia N86 8MP adalah produk pertama Nokia yang mengusung kamera 8 megapixel. Ponsel ini memiliki layar AMOLED 16 juta warna yang mampu menampilkan hasil jepretan kamera di layarnya dengan apik. 3. Samsung Omnia HD Kamera 8 megapixel i8910 HD mampu merekam gambar bergerak dengan resolusi 720p 9res. 1280 x 720 pixel) @24 frame per second (fps). Kualitasnya pun jernih, tidak ada rekaman video lagi yang patah-patah. Pilihanya ditambah lagi dengan resolusi D1 (res.720 x 480 pixel) @ 30 fps. Tentu saja kualitas jepretan foto kamera 8 megapixel i8910 HD pun menarik karena fasilitasnya juga lengkap. 4. Motorola Zine Motorola ZN5 menggunakan kamera 5 megapixel. Hasil kerjasama Kodak-Motorola berhasil menghadirkan kamera hape yang mampu menghasilkan foto berkualitas. 5. Sony Ericsson Satio Satio membawa kamera beresolusi 12 megapixel dan ini bleum diterapkan oleh vendor lain.

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